Isolation Fatigue – I feel exhausted

Many clients have reported feeling moody, tired and discontented especially since the Covid-19 virus social isolation started. This blog not only refers to the Covid-19 virus but also to those who find themselves unemployed or undergoing a major life change, such as retirement.

Why am I feeling so tired?

Associate Professor of Psychology Sean Cain from Monash University suggests this can be due to the quality of light and the quality of sleep we are getting due to spending more time than usual indoors and more irregular schedules.

In a study reported in Advances in Space Biology and Medicine isolation fatigue may cause cognitive strain (cognition – mental action or process including perception, attention, memory, thinking, problem solving and language, and involves the senses; it is biologically and socially influenced). Cognitive strain may occur where individuals have very limited physical space to move around in, little privacy and a generally poor physical and psychological environment.

What can I do to minimise Isolation Fatigue?

  • Get better sleep
  • Establish and maintain a new routine
  • Look after your mental health e.g. do something you are good at or like to do
  • Keep active e.g. exercise
  • Watch your food intake e.g. eat more fruit and vegetables
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Limit your screen time, especially at night

You can minimise social isolation by Skype or Zoom – its more one-on-one with a friend or relative. Visit our website at if you need help setting up Skype or Zoom.

If this does not work, give us a call, there may be more things to consider.